About this blog

This blog tells you about the workshops as experienced by 20 participants from 10 countries (Spain, Slovenia, Poland, Romania, Turkey, Latvia, Italy, Egypt, Jordan and Palestine) during the training course The World of Reducing and Resuing, that took place in the region of Murcia, Spain from 12th to 18th of Novemeber of 2012. This project was financially supported by the European Commission's Youth in Action Programme. Youth in Action Programme.

The first part of the 7 day training training course was dedicated to discussions and presentations on the topic of waste production, as it is a serious environmental problem in all participating countries and there is a need to understand its amplitude as well as to find ways how to address it when working with young people. The training course continued with workhsops on how to create toys, jewelry, soaps and other useful thigs from material we usually throw out as waste, which will be offered as creative methodologies to use when working with youth.

As we, the participants and organizers, had such a good time during this training course, we want to share our experiences with you. 

Besides reading about the recycling activities, you can use this blog to learn more about organizations we come from, our financial supporters: Programme Youth in Action and our trainers.

We hope you will find something useful and stick around a bit. Feel free to comment and share the things you find here! We are especially interested to see your recycled creations.

Best wishes,
Trainers, organizers and participants of TWORAR

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